ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Ref. 9780199538119 Veure altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Veure altres productes del mateix autor
    Little Women has remained enduringly popular since its publication in 1868, becoming the inspiration for a whole genre of family stories. Set in a small New England community, it tells of the March family: Marmee looks after her four daughters in the absence of her husband, who is serving as an army...
    Ancho: 129 cm Largo: 196 cm Peso: 365 gr
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    13,35 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-19-953811-9
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2008
    • Any d'edició : 2008
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY
    • Número de pàgines : 528
    • Col·lecció : OXFORD WORLD’S CLASSICS
    Little Women has remained enduringly popular since its publication in 1868, becoming the inspiration for a whole genre of family stories. Set in a small New England community, it tells of the March family: Marmee looks after her four daughters in the absence of her husband, who is serving as an army chaplain in the Civil War, and Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy experience domestic trials and triumphs as they attempt to supplement the family's small income. In the second part of the novel (sometimes known as Good Wives) the girls grow up and fall in love. The novel is highly autobiographical, and in Jo's character Alcott portrays a strong-minded and independent woman, determined to control her own destiny. The introduction to this edition provides a fascinating history of the Alcotts, and of Louisa Alcott's own struggles as a writer.

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